Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Compilation: "A Japanese Tribute to the Pixies" ('00)

My first upload! Titties!

I found this really sweet tribute to the Pixies somewhere, and I got a load of enjoyment out of it, so I thought I'd share it with all of you. God, I'm such a philanthropist. Gimme a friggin' metal already.

It's essentially just covers of Pixies songs done by Japanese bands. Need I say more?!

Some of them are sorta bad (in a good way, I guess?), and others actually well-done, but all are hilarious if you're a Pixies fan. I'm especially fond of the "Gigantic" cover by Wakusei, (It's pronouned "Geh-gun-tic!") and "Trompe Le Monde" by Ca-P.

descarga aqui.

1 comment:

Joshua Godin said...

This is pretty random, but I wanted to ask a favor in regards to the Pixies japanese import album. I came across your post about it as I was searching like mad trying to get my hands on a copy of the album. Mine was stolen some time ago and, as far as I can tell, the thing is impossible to replace. I nearly fainted when I saw that you had uploaded it, and then pretty much did when the link turned out broken. Is there any chance I can get it from you some how? I have a server you can upload it to if need be. I have 40 gigs of mp3s that I'd gladly trade any amount of for the album. Etc, etc. If you can help me out, my email address is simian.grace@gmailcom, or you can always find me at http://sour.org. Anyway, sorry to bug you ;P