Shows :: Architecture in Helsinki (Chicago, 6/11/07)
I got to see the Aussie (Pronounced "Ozzy") octet Architecture in Helsinki two nights ago at Logan Square Auditorium, and it was fantastic. The venue had really nice acoustics, and everyone had a pretty friendly attitude towards each other and the band, which was tested when a most-likely-intoxicated woman yelled for the band to play "The Owls Go" and the lead singer gave back a cute reply and went on with a smile. They had a considerable amount of energy that isn't present in throughout their earlier records which was very invigorating and exciting. I was going pretty nuts, as were my friends, especially when they whipped out the new single "Heart it Races" at the end of the show.
On a side note, they were opened by Mahjongg, who were good, but would have opened better for a less-dance-y band probably?
Thanks to Colleen for taking some pix, as I left my camera at home. Pitchfork's coverage
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